Ep. 28 Process and Product in Knitting and Crochet, Myers Briggs version

Welcome to Episode 28:  Process and Product in Knitting and Crochet using the Myers Briggs lens

Brainy Things: 10:40   Redwood Curtain: 18:35

What we’re learning from our knitting and crochet

webMargaret just finished the super quick Crochet Cobweb Pattern by Jennifer Hansen or the Stitch Diva.   It’s free and a great Halloween or otherwise fun decoration.  She used a generic version of Kid Silk Haze (lost ball band) and got more practice use sticky mohair.

Catherine is now grooving with Vanessa Ives Mystery KAL by Bunny Muff with Woole’s Yarn Creations color changing cotton..   She is using toho beads.vanessa ives progress

Brainy Thing:   Product and Process in Knitting and Crochet:  Myers Briggs

Margaret discusses the Myers Briggs Personality Inventory and how is might help to explain Knitter’s and Crocheter’s issues with process and product in their project.  Check here for an introduction on the Judging and Perceiving pair in Myers Briggs.

Behind the Redwood Curtain

Catherine took the Haunted House Tour of Eureka (CA) and learned why mezzanines were so popular in the Victorian bars in the 1800’s.  Here are some photos of Eureka Books.   The interior shows the intact mezzanine from the old days.

3855PPEureka-books-outside 3855Peureka-books-inside-1










Knitting Tip

Margaret offers Cat Bordhi’s tip of using mohair or a mohair/silk blend as a reinforcing thread on the toes, heels and even the soles of socks.






Ep. 027 Reading/Writing Learning Style and Your Knitting

Welcome to Episode 27: Reading/Writing Learning Preference and Your Knitting

Brainy thing:    25:10                   Redwood Curtain:  33:50

What We’re Learning from Our Knitting

Margaret concludes (at least for now) her cotton sock yarn comparison with Feel Good Yarns sock yarn knitted in a generic sock pattern and using the new-to-her Fish Lips Kiss Heel by Sox Therapist in Feel Good Yarn Company sock yarn.

Below, she compares Feel Good Yarn with Cascade Fixation and Cobasi by HiKoo, which is currently her favorite.

Hi Koo CoBaSi Cascade Fixation Feel Good Yarn Silver Spun
US 1 US 3 US 3
$7.50 / 50 gm $5.50 /5o gm   $48   42 /86 gms, 400 yards
Very stretchy Very stretchy Very stretchy
Pleasant feel Bumpy feel, thick Pleasant feel
Hard to weave in Okay to weave in Fine to weave in
After washing,  not so hard to weave in Stays plumb and soft Strand of silver (don’t see it) conductive, inhibits odors, inhibit bacteria, thermal, suggested for those with diabetes, arthritis, sensitive skin

American made

Catherine talks about her painful learning from the Mona8pi or Bunny Muff’s Vanessa Ives Mystery shawl out of Woole’s Yarns Creations Color Changing Cotton.

Ives mess up

Brainy Thing:  Who put the “R” in VAK?

In earlier episodes, we’ve talked about the VAK learning style – Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic preferences for taking in information. An updated version of that is the VARK system. The “R” stands for the Reading/Writing preference.   While many people including educators find these systems useful, other criticize the research that has been done.






Redwood Curtain

Highway 101 bisects Redwood Country.  The 1,550 mile Highway stretches from Los Angeles, CA to Turnwater, Washington.

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A Knitting Tip

Margaret Ratcliff The Knowledgeable Knitter